Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania
Orthodox Church in America
/ Ministries / Parish Development / Parish Development Forum / 2019 Parish Forum
Successful 2019 Parish Development Forum Concluded

The 2019 Parish Development Forum has now concluded. Hosted by St.John the Baptist Church Canonsburg PA, the Forum was attended by 63 persons from six OCA Dioceses, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and the Antiochian Archdiocese. Fifteen speakers and panelists contributed to the conference which had the theme "Strengthening Our Commitment to the Community: Growing and Sharing Our Faith and Welcoming Others."

2019 Parish Forum Photos

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Top Ten Forum 2019 Features

  1. Presence of two OCA Bishops Archbishop Melchisedek and Bishop Paul (Midwest)
  2. Many excellent speakers including two keynotes – Fr. Maximus Urbanowicz, St James Orthodox Church, Port St Lucie FL. and Fr. Paul Abernathy St Moses the Black PGH.
  3. Attending parishes are eligible for cash grants to begin new ministries.
  4. A panel discussion with (mostly) recent converts to the Orthodox faith. (What were they looking for. What did they find. How to find more.)
  5. A discussion of the movie “Becoming Truly Human”.
  6. A variety of great small group discussions on growth, evangelization and active service.
  7. Sessions on using social media, resources for growing in faith, tips for welcoming guests, and more.
  8. Parish case studies.
  9. An opportunity to meet Orthodox Christians from many other parishes. This happens throughout and especially during a Hospitality reception on Friday evening.
  10. Link to Archdiocesan Shine Shine Ministry

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2019 Parish Forum Preparation Materials

Materials (pre-work) are available for 2019 Parish Forum attendees.

See this page.